Friday, September 25, 2009


Good Morning!

You're up early today. What's the occasion?

I'm just awake. Since I am I thought I would take this opportunity to talk with you. As you know I have been revisiting my church. At least visiting their website and reading the Daily Word an inspirational meditation and prayer site. I want to post those then get your thoughts. The problem is they are copyrighted. I don't know the legalities. But I think if I  just use the main meditation it would be ok.

 So for today September 25th the message is:

I am free to choose my path in life.
This seems so obvious to me.

Yet you often do not choose your own path. You let circumstance choose for you. In retrospect how many decisions have been made that were dictated by outside events? When have you failed to be proactive?

Sometimes it has just been easier to let events unfold will he-nil he. In fact I use it as a philosophy "go along to get along". That way I don't have to make the tough choices. also procrastination helps put off  'til tomorrow what may not need doing at all. Often that gets me into trouble. Because I truly do not know what is important and what isn't.

This reminds me of the story of Adam and Eve, tempted by the serpent to taste the forbidden fruit. The allegory of the eating of the fruit gave man knowledge of good and evil. Also defined as "original sin" or "the fall of man". Such nonsense. Man supposedly for the first time saw your nakedness and became ashamed. Why? Is nakedness inherently Evil?

I would say no, Though man is the only animal to wear clothing excepts for our pets.
We also come into the world naked then are quickly covered. But I would say this is something we made taboo, not inherently evil. But I am ashamed of my nakedness! That is because my naked body does not fit my ideal of what a naked body should look like. I know its foolish but there it is. I don't even want to go the beach without a  shirt because my belly sags and I have man boobs. Also because I burn easily.

As you say though not inherently evil. Free choice does have consequences, getting sunburn as a mld example. Look around and you see that man does not have the knowledge of good and evil that original sin implied. Often you do look beyond the present to see the consequences and seeing that a course of action would be harmful you take action to prevent it. Equally as often you don't see the potential or often even the obvious harm. And in your case specifically you know that not making a choice is making a choice. But as the words to your meditation say you, each of you are free to choose. You are the captain of your journey through life subject of course to the laws of how the universe works. 

I am free to choose my path in life.


  1. I read somewhere the naked metaphor in Genesis has nothing to do with sex. When Adam and Eve saw they were naked, they actually realized they were vulnerable. So they're punishment really was a loss of security. Or, to put it this way, ever dream you're walking around in public in your underwear? Kind of along those lines

  2. I would agree with that assessment. Security is lost because this is "The invention Of lying". God lies to Adam:

    002:017 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Then the serpent lies to Eve:

    003:004 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

    003:005 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

    So they don't die (at least not right away), they don't become as gods, they dont know good and evil. They also see they are naked to the lies, open to any con that comes along.

    I'm really looking forward to Ricky Gervais' movie.
