Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First, take nothing seriously

Hello I am the god of Mike's understanding. He has asked me to provide an introduction to his blog. In this endeavor you will find a dialog between Mike and myself. This dialog will be centered around Michael's relationship to How The Universe Works. I am of course How The Universe Works. Because of the nature of our relationship the material at times may be intensely personal. He is and has been what for him has been a traumatic experience. His anger is occasionally intense and often directed at How The Universe Works. Often the material here will seem trivial to any readers who may happen upon this blog. That's okay often other peoples problems may seem trivial to those of you who are experiencing your own difficulties with How The Universe Works. But perhaps you may find the answer you are looking for in Michael's and my dialog. Thank You.

Thank you Abba, I think I should say something about why I'm doing this. One, I hope to profit from an open and frank discussion of spirituality, religion and the nature of the universe around me. Originally I had planned this as a book similar to Walsch's Conversation With God. But I don't really cover any new ground in this book and I encourage all readers of this blog to check out Mr Walsch's writings. Another author who has inspired me for yeasr is the late Jane Roberts author of numerous books on alternate reality, ESP, and numerous other topics; but for me the Nature of Personality written by a non corporeal being called Seth and channeled through Jane Roberts. I believe this to be a very profound book and of immense influence to me. Okay, Time for the first Question: I'll start off easy but I rarely know where these will end up.

Father tonight I want to begin at the beginning, the controversy between creationists and the more secular advocates of evolution. Who is right?

Certainly, “In the beginning when I created the the heavens an the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. Then I said' LET THERE BE LIGHT and there was light'”.

Well thanks for clearing that up. Would you mind leaving biblical quotes to a minimum please. Of course these words are from Genesis book 1, where most of the controversy occurs. Biblical literalists take these words as absolute truth, So called scientific creationists attempt to reconcile Genesis with existing scientific evidence, And others, secularists , scientist and atheists ignore them completely. How does a person such as myself neither well versed in biblical studies nor a scientist sort this out to arrive at truth?

It is good to ask these questions and the answers are fairly simple. My words at the beginning of Genesis are indeed literally true. Of course there wasn't anyone around to record these words except me and I was busy creating. So though the words are literally true they fail to capture the whole story of creation. Briefly the controversy hinges on a human definition of time. I am not limited by time. Scientists insist on billion of years and literalists say I did it in a few short days. Neither is correct. I create the universe Now, in this instant. For evolutionists I ask “predict for me the next evolutionary form in any species you wish. Can you do it? What will the next evolutionary leap dogs take, how about grasshoppers. Its fairly easy to finds bones and fossils and compare characteristics and then find classifications to place them in but can your theory predict the next evolutionary step. I don't think so. For you biblical literalists I pose the question. Is there no such thing as evolution? Consider the reproduction of music. Years ago wax cylinders were used to record and recreate sound, then along came new technology such as cassette tape and then CD's now there are tiny devices that can hold thousands of songs and reproduce them exactly as recorded many time and years later with no loss of quality This is evolution in action. creation is going on all around please look and you can see me in action. Evolution can be applied to almost any human endeavor. Fashion, electronics, weapons, warfare, entertainment, cooking, construction, and perhaps especially communication and information .Every thing new builds upon the old. You don't do things the same way that your grandparents did Why not? Because evolution has changed the way your culture works. But still it cannot predict the next step.

I remember when I was very young I saw Dick Tracy's wrist radios. And I though that some day we would have them and that would be so cool. I've changed my mind. We have cell phones today just slightly bigger that Dick's wrist radio but with even more capability. And I'm sure if Sony or Apple wanted to make a wrist radio we would have it with in a year. Anyway thank you. You have given me a lot to think on, but I don,t think either side of this controversy will be pleased with your arguments.

Remember, that very few if any will read these words. I don't think you have to worry about people burning crosses on your lawn in the near future. Good night Mike, get some rest. I look forward to continuing this dialog and invite any readers out there who may have a question to email you,

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