Thursday, July 23, 2009


Good morning Lord.

I almost asked how you were today. But I already know the answer, Your perfect of course, like a sunset is perfect ever changing but ever present.
Yep, you got it. How are you this morning; perfect too I trust?

I am feeling good this morning, I know that I'm perfect in the same way you are, ever changing and fine just the way I am. But as a somewhat frail human I find that my frailties often affect how I feel about myself in any given moment. I assume you don't have that problem. Is that correct?

Let me repeat myself you and I are one, What you feel and every other living creature feels I feel. And I can empathize with your state of being at this moment but you are not the center of my Universe. I care but these are things you can and must deal with. You understand?

Yes I get it. Its my life, not yours. Similar to how I can empathize with my children and be here to share their problems I cannot live their lives for them.

Exactly right, love, share, help when you can but ultimately it is their life to live.

Thanks. Could we talk a little bit about you and your character, I understand that you are how the universe works. But could I have a little deeper insight.

I am that I am. I express myself in everything that occurs everyhere in the Universe. I am the yin and the yang, the Alpha and the Omega. I am that I am.

Stop please, I get it enough of these trite overused phrases. I expect a little more from God.

Do you really? Then why do you so often think of me in these trite phases without really thinking about what that really means. To answer to your unasked question it really that simple, yet each one of you will manifest me to fit your beliefs, values and expectations and experience. An atheist will not look to me for companionship, or guidance or help, where a theist would look to me. Thus Any personality I have is a reflection of the person any of you want me to be: thus by turn I am a vengeful god, a wrathful god. a god slow to forgive, a punishing god, A loving god, a caring god, a shepherd through the dark times a small still voice. A laughing Jesus, and A savior. I am all things to all people and you get to decide, Because all of these aspects and an infinite number more are all equally true and equally false depending on the point of view of each individual. I have created you free to believe what you will about me. I epitomize opposites, the alpha, the omega, the yin and the yang. Capice?

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