Friday, September 11, 2009

Expecting death, what to do?

Good Morning Lord, its very late but we haven't spoken in a while. I don't feel any connection right now. perhaps because I'm brooding. My Step Dad Bernie Johnson. was diagnosed with colon cancer metastasized to the liver. Docs Give him 2 years if he takes chemo and 6 months if he doesn't. Another acquaintance Ed found today that he has bladder mets to the liver, Docs give him 8 months with Chemo 4 months with out.

You are concerned that they will die? Yes?

Concerned is a little mild, I'm angry! Because cancer sucks and there's not a damn thing I can do about except pray. I feel so helpless and here I am supposedly talking to God and I can't ask for you to save their lives.

Why not? you are not afraid to ask me when you are in prayer. Communication is communication regardless of form.

When we are in communication like this I'm afraid to ask. Because I don't have the faith to believe that this actually is a talk with God. I want proof! I'm afraid I won't get the proof I want which is total remission of the cancer in each of these people.

I'm sorry total remission is out of the question. They have other lives waiting for them. So how much more life shall they get; a month? Three months? How long?

You're leaving this to me?

Certainly, I want you to think about what you're asking me to do. You are asking me to prolong their lives, which means prolonging their suffering and their pain? Of course they will be on palliative care filled with painkillers to make the last days bearable but with side effects that may hurt those who will gather to say their goodbyes to one who may or may not recognize them. How much time shall I give them. And what of their caregivers? Must I prolong this ending for another few months and watch the caregivers suffer in their turn, Never knowing but always expecting death each day. Could you take that kind of pain? Would you want to.

I think we will revisit this topic often in the upcoming months and years. Get some sleep.

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