Saturday, November 14, 2009

Aliens, Sasquatch and The Jersey Devil

Hello Lord, Its nice to spend some time with you today rather than in the middle of the night.

And a good day to you as well Michael. I know that today's topic is one that we began exploring years ago together.

Yes Way back in 2002 I was listening to some of the radio programs on late at at night such as as Coast to Coast and Whitley's Streiber's Dreamland. Art Bell and George Noury were hosting Coast to Coast taking calls about supernatural topics, ghosts, crop circles and such. Whitley Streiber focused more on the alien abductions and the meaning behind such actions if indeed they have meaning. He seems to be convinced of the reality of his experience and is believable. He claimed a series of abductions of him and his family by beings he calls the Greys. His book Communion published way back in 1987, describes his experiences without speculating on the nature of the beings he terms "visitors". Do visitors of this kind actually inhabit the earth and is this something humans should be concerned with?

You ask direct questions today, So I expect you will want direct replies. so the answer to your questions is yes nonhuman intelligence does occupy the earth with you but not in the way that you mean. Also non human intelligence can be a threat but again not in the way that you mean. Let me explain. First on earth non human intelilgence surrounds you in your animal population. Humans have tended to discount this in the past because it is intelligence of a different kind than yours. For example your dog Sam has senses and abilities that are of a different order of magnitude than yours. Her  brain has evolved to use those senses in the manner that best fits her lifestyle. Her brain while not as complex uses her senses to understand the world around to her and to fulfill her basics needs. For example being dependent on you for survival she is much more aware of your emotions and mannerisms than you are of hers. She interprets your actions in a way that anticipates her needs. Savvy?

Sure I've seen this on the Discovery channel and Animal Planet. You are just reminding me of what I already know. "Savvy" Are we in some pirate or cowboy movie?

Just having a bit of fun. This is not what you are really after with your questions I just wanted to point out thee ubiquitous nature of non-human intelligence on your planet. You share your planet with a wide variety of beings that have been the source of myths and legends throughout the ages. Also many of them are finding the world to be an increasingly harsh and dangerous place. As mankind takes over more of the wilderness he comes into increasing contact with these beings. A certain amount of interbreeding has occurred and you occasionally see the result in the folk around you. For example the long lean body type with slightly pointed ears may be the descendants of the vanishing small pool of the elfin folk of fantasy. Look for these characteristics on people around you  for example; Fred Astaire had a certain lightness of being that attracted people to his dancing and his character. your current president Mr Obama has some of those same attributes.

What! you're saying Obama is an elf?

Just be open to the idea. It is quite possible his distant ancestors passed down elfin blood that found its way to your president and is evident in his long lean body type and the shape of his ears.

They seem perfectly round to me. But what do Obama's ears have to do with visitors?

Nothing, I'm just pointing out that earth has long been shared between various non-human intelligence and this is what is often encountered, spoken of, exagerrated and lied about by participants in these encounters. Often the aspects presented manifest differently to different onlookers.
  There are also beings of the spirtual realm present on your world from time to time. You could actually view these beings as extra-dimensional. how the universe works is not confined to the dimensions available to your senses. Occasionally spirtual  can manifest on your world to promote individual psychic or spiritual growth. Ghosts, shadow people and haunting are beings of this category. Most at one time lived a human existence but have been reluctant to gracefully exit when their time here is finished. This is part of their growth and the people who chance to encounter such beings also are using such encounter to gain insight into what comes beyond this life. These lessons are not necessary for everyone at this stage of their development. Even so many people have had encounters with spiritual beings in their everyday life which they have discounted as real.

Sure, I have encountered these shadow people you speak of  in ordinary activities such as walking the dog. Both Sam and I have briefly looked the being over, Sam in her way and I in mine. Sensing no malevolence we part to our separate paths. Sam is much more likely to stay and investigate than I am.

Yes, you and your dog's curiosity are of different types. Humans are less curious about these spiritual entities than they would admit. Often phenomenon go completely undetected unless pointed out by another human or an animal's behavior. There are a number of haunted dwellings and places of extra-spiritual gathering in your world. These entities that inhabit these places do not belong to your world but to other realms. This makes it difficult to gather physical evidence of the kind that would be scientists need to examine.
  As stated life exists on many levels of reality, Often beings of different realms are going through growth patterns that parallel each other making contact across boundaries necessary for that growth. Non human intelligence exists in may forms throughout your universe. The vast majority you will never encounter. Aliens of the kind popularized by science fiction and sensationalism do not visit your planet. Intelligencet beings  throughout the universe are generally of the same magnitude. There are no super evolved beings anywhere, but each species is evolving toward higher intelligence and adaptability. Yours among them.

  What about creatures like Sasquatch, chupacabra and the Jersey Devil?

Many of these creatures are of the type we have just spoken of. Crossing interdimensional boundaries to interact for various reasons. your so called Grey visitors are also of this type. They are working out their own view of reality in ways that sometimes involve humans. But they are not inherently anymore dagerous to you than you are to them. Sasquatch, Chupacabra, the Jersey Devil are less evolved dimensional creatures who may find themselves in this dimension and become confused, and frustrated, Normally they are are not here long enough to be captured or to do any serious damage. The encounters humans have with these creatures are confused and mystifying for those involved. Often exaggerated and lied about these stories grow. Again physical evidence is hard to come by since they do not live in your world as do the the creatures of legend we spoke of at the beginning of this conversation.

Wow, Fred Astaire, and Barack Obama have elfin blood, Saquatch exists. This is pretty cool stuff. Thank you for spending so much time with me today.

This is actually a manifestation of your energy level. If we did this more often during the daylight hours without  being drugged we could have more in depth conversations.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again.


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