Monday, December 21, 2009

Divine Order

The Daily Word; December 21st, 2009 Unity Church

I am one with the divine order of life.

Entering now into winter, I recall the memory of spring's blossoms and the potential they displayed. The tiny buds soaking up the spring rain, yearning to bloom into the fruit and flowers of summer.

I am one with the divine order of life, and in this divine flow I am productive while at ease. I am peaceful, balanced and aware. I exercise my body and eat wholesome foods, get pleasure from both work and leisure, enjoy friends and family, and nurture myself with revitalizing sleep. Guided and nourished by the Spirit within, I continue to grow in spiritual understanding, always toward the light of God. I am immersed in the divine order of life, and all is well.
I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.--Leviticus 26:4
Today is the Celebration of Winter Solstice Traditions
12:47 pm EST (1747 GMT) on Dec. 21

Yule Tide greetings

Good morning Michael, I'm am ready too start if you are. I appreciate your selection of the Daily Word. Indeed you are one with the divine order of life though it works better as an affirmation. I affirm you are one with the divine order of life. Now you must also affirm that truth.

I am one with the divine order of life.
I and my father are one. You know each night I mumble the Lord's Prayer before I fall asleep. Talk to me a about divine order, fate and free will please. I think there is something I'm missing.

The Lord's Prayer is perhaps the one remaining remnant of your childhood religious upbringing. In time, at your own pace, chosen by an act of will you abandoned childhood beliefs to embrace a fuller, more complex model of how the universe works. The universe is as it is, planets orbit stars in a predictable pattern, thus you celebrate your solstice today. Your recent video clip of the universe would fit nicely here.

You see, everything is in place. The physical principles that govern the universe are becoming known to your scientists and philosophers. Fate works in retrospect does it not. You talk of your meeting your wife as if it was ordained from the beginning of time. Destiny is not a fixed entity or set of random circumstances. It is fluid and dynamic subject to the nature of how the universe works and your own free will.

Fate is a conversation best left for another day. suffice to say that life is not preordained.

As usual you have given me much to think on. Those of us who do believe free will is a mirage seem happier in many ways. As if the weight of decision making has been taken from them. I see the appeal. I also see that to give up responsibility for your life leads one down a dangerous path. Thank you. I know there is more but as you say it can wait for another day.

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