Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mike Dooley's notes from the Universe....

Mike is a motivational speaker and writer that sends out a daily message from the universe. My message today was "your waiting is over" Good evening Lord nice to be able to spend some quality time with you this evening.

Yes I noticed the Broncos just scored on a fumble. I take it your idea of quality time includes Monday Night Football on in the background. You want a couple of Miller's to go along with that?

Well if I was still drinking, I probably wouldn't be talking to you at all.

Very true, just thought I'd offer. Congratulations on your ordination. I know it's not exactly what you were hoping for, but to be ordained in an established religion would have limited you in ways you don't quite understand right now.This way you have less establishment credibility but you have more room to pass along those things you have learned being unencumbered by tradition as so many religions. Where do you think this change of course will take you.

Well as you know I'm very curious about this upcoming Charter for Compassion that will be unveiled on Thursday. I'm thiniking of moving in the direction of a non-profit foundation. I need to spend some time brainstorming what the foundation would do. Hopefully something to help out those like me who are getting by but just barely in this economy. I don't have any idea how to get started but I hope doors will open as I knock and am willing to walk through.

You may have to rethink your relationship with business. you also have problems with fundraising you will have to overcome. Being shy will not bring supporters to your side, but neither will over aggressiveness. I'm sure you will do well. Take some time over the next few days. Find out if this Charter is what you are hoping for. If so, Then throw in your support in your community. If not then continue the dream in your own fashion. Good luck to you.                             

You said a moment ago that being ordained in a established religion would be a liability some what. Could you elaborate a little on that please?

Certainly, you know yourself  well enough to realize that your spiritual views are not mainstream. I have trouble picturing you as a Catholic priest but no trouble seeing you as an itinerant preacher, speaking offhandly about your beliefs of How the Universe Works. It is time for religion to be a new world order based on reason and compassion for each other. I believe this is where you will find your calling. Just talking to people non-confrontationally about beliefs, values and expectations. Use your listening skills of course. People enjoy opening  to you. you have an ability to let folks express themselves as they are.. Just in the last 24 hours talking with the hospital staff, the nurses and other aides folks in your company talk with you. You have matured well. I believe you are ready. Go forth now.

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