Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Staying the Course

First blossom of our rose :)Image by Blueberry Pony via Flickr
Good Morning Abba, I've been getting a bit discouraged about the numbers of folks who aren't coming to visit this blog.  I've had on occasion thought about ending it because I'm not getting the kind of response I had hoped for when starting out. Then I ran across Janet Connors' website "Writing Down Your Soul"  and I see that there are others out there doing much the same thing. It heartens me to know that you are speaking with others on much the same level that you are speaking with me. Beside I do this mostly for me. If others get something from it that's swell. Thank You.

No questions to me this morning?

Well, No not really. The power of prayer is on my mind. I seldom pray as a request for your help. Often for guidance but I have trouble with accepting prayer as helpful in fulfilling needs.

Yet, you seldom fail to say thank you and give me credit when something needful does happen. It seems to me that in this instance your afraid of walking your talk. What is that about?

Disappointment possibly. I have failed at times to get what I wanted or thought I needed though I've tried prayer, affirmations and the work necessary to succeed, yet often success eludes me.

Is that what you want then, success? How do you define that?

I'm thinking of the material trappings of modern day living that I've had such difficulty attaining or holding on to. I want more security for my family. I want meaningful , not demeaning work.

So ask, then.

Lord, God of my understanding. I pray for your help in obtaining meaningful work, something I can be proud of doing while bringing in considerably more money so as to raise our standing of living. I ask your help in resolving the issues caused by past mistakes. I pray for a quick and enduring solution the to the economic conditions within our country and throughout the world. I pray for relief in those countries so devastated by natural disasters. I pray for an end to the conflicts around the globe that threaten people and their cultures.
Thank you.

Now I ask you to open your eyes, look for the evidence of your requests. Look, with trust in me and faith in how the universe works. Do what is yours to do. I will do what is mine to do.
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  1. Friend, I see you did find your peace by the time you ended the post, but a sideways observation about the paucity of comments. A number of the bloggers (all with different topics driving their blogs) who follow one another pretty faithfully are awfully quiet. It struck me as odd. Alignment of the stars? Ides of March? Approach of the Equinox? Anyway, it's been quiet-ish for a little while.

  2. Well some folks have been off-line for a few days. I have rarely gotten more than a comment or two on this blog yet at times the conversation has been intense. Interesting comment about finding peace by the end of the post. There is a certain peaceful state of mind I usually have to be in to start. I wasn't there when I started this post, as a result it was difficult for me to frame my thoughts.

  3. i've been ruminating on this since my first read, and just couldn't pull my thoughts into anything coherent.
    in my life, i'm looking at how i get in my own way, hindering the arrival of the very things that i say i want or need. sometimes it comes down to being entirely too attached to it looking a certain way. other times it's not recognizing that i have what i said i wanted, i just wasn't specific enough!
    i don't know how prayer fits into this. i think about prayer as a means to awaken and connect with the divine within. but we often lapse into handing over the responsibility to a force perceived as being outside of us.
    see? not very coherent. sorry for the length.

  4. Length is good. Incoherence is also good. Life doesn't seem to be coherent often. My friends and family who are more Christian than I swear by the power of prayer and seem to use it indiscriminately. Like you I have learned to use prayer as means of communication with spirit, not asking for things or events to fall a certain way. I found that last paragraph of my post to be very meaningful. To look for the evidence of requests. See the positive, overlook the negative. But it's so difficult not to see injustice and suffering with a positive outlook.
    Thanks you for thoughts.
