Thursday, February 18, 2010

Energy and Human Nature

Good morning, Abba! A bright but chilly day here in the OV. I'm looking forward to a productive and interesting discussion this morning.

Good morning to you Michael. You seem in much better spirits today than has been the case these last few weeks.

Very true. I seem to plagued by a certain peevishness, though not really out of character, it has become a bit more rare in the past few months. I seem unable to shake it completely. It also manifests around my family. They seem to be especially annoying the crap out of me. I know it's me and not them who is at fault. But I can't seem to hold my tongue. I've spent some time in meditation and contemplation yet the underlying anger is still present. I've been researching and contemplating  the effect of rhythm and vibration on our emotional state. I have become convinced that there are emotional cycles we move through as we go about our lives. Could you bring some clarity to this for me?

Young Star Cluster Glows With Mysterious X-Ray...  As your physicists have theorized the universe and all that is of the universe is energy in different form. Energy vibrates at a full spectrum of frequencies some detectable to your science and other frequencies have not been detected as of yet. You are indeed subject to the long slow low frequencies of the planet you inhabit.  You are also subject to the energy fields that the earth travels through in its trip around your star. You are affected by the frequencies of the tremendous energy given off by that star. Additionally you are affected by the forces of your planet's magnetic field, its position in the solar system with relationship to the other bodies and gravity fields present. Extend these influences also out into the galaxy as a whole. Everything has an ebb and flow, It is all harmony and your individual bodies respond  to the larger influences. You discussed this some with Judy earlier in the week.

Yes I did mention it, this is not unfamiliar to me. I'm concerned that this may just be part of our animal nature.  I am wondering if there is more I can do to control or repress these destructive thoughts and behaviors?

Meditation and contemplation are good places to start. More exercise would be beneficial as well. At this level of your growth you are not going to be able to completely embrace your monkey nature and transcend that behavior. Repression of the emotions and behavior while seemingly beneficial at first is harmful to the personality in the longer run. Eventually it will find an outlet, not necessarily an appropriate expression. 

So we are pretty much stuck with ourselves; where can we go from here?

Go forward in faith. You are what you are Mr Williams. Man born of woman. You are a contradiction and a conundrum to yourself and sometimes even to your creator. You have chosen a physical existence requiring great strength and perseverance. I marvel at these as well as the weakness inherit in your position. You have the capacity for great and glorious good also great and glorious evil. You get to choose. In a sense Mr Williams you are every man. No better, no worse, no weaker, no stronger, you love life and live life according to your own reckoning, sometimes magnanimously, sometimes selfishly. You are what you are Michael; a true Son born into an imperfect world of doubt, fear and weakness. You are what you need to be. You always have been.  
Walk in peace. Salvation has been achieved. The Creator is among the creation. He has looked and found it good.   

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