Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Feet

Shall we dance to the sound of the breaking waves?

That's what I wanted to talk about, sound, music the vibration of the universe and all the objects contained therein. You imagery is wonderful; to play along the shore, perhaps tag with the whitewater. Moving to our own internal rhythms. occasionally getting that there is something deeper as well as higher we can tap into. I remember fondly working briefly with the dance department of Gallaudet University. The dancers, each of them deaf moved to the rhythm of the bass notes which they could feel through their feet. Each moving in perfect synchrony with the rest. In a similar yet different way each of us move to the sound of unheard notes.
  This brings me to the Science of Spirituality. Three words that aren't normally seen together unless it's some one talking about quantum phenomena and consciousness.

Taking up new-age wishful thinking about quantum physics and spirituality will also not do much to change the character of the debate. Discussions about science and the sacred must speak to the fundamental nature of our encounter with the world. There is a saying from the Zen Buddhist tradition that the point of practice is to not fool yourself. We should accept that we are adept at doing just that. We will need to be particularly vigilant in resisting claims that science "proves" some cherished set of beliefs. -  Dr Adam Frank Astrophysicist, University of Rochester

So this is what I want to focus on; "the fundamental nature of our encounter with the world" or the universe. 

I have said elsewhere in our discussions that reality operates on many planes or levels of reality simultaneously. Some of you have chosen to focus on one level or another. The narrowness of focus obscures the greater picture yet contributes to a broader understanding in the long run. An example is medicine where modern science through years of research  has developed groundbreaking technologies in helping people live longer and healthier lives. But mainstream medicine often overlooks the benefits of alternative ways of thinking and healing.  Much criticism recently has been said of the effectiveness of homeopathy with good reason. Science has not proven any efficacy in the practice. perhaps because homeopathy works on another level of reality where experience is not subject to experimentation. This is because dis-ease is the product of physical illness but psychic and spiritual illness as well.  Healers should not throw out the baby with the bathwater; it has been shown that a change in circumstances for the better can do much to improve health. 
Likewise in other branches of science a failure to incorporate spiritual or psychic phenomena ( I speak of the human mind here not extrasensory perception; though that is indeed another level of reality) limits the ability of science to explain reality on other levels. Even limits the ability of science to adequately explain the reality it professes to explain. 
At this point in your (humanity's) development. Science, spirituality and consciousness should be working to advance compassion. To take care of those suffering, yet understanding that there will be suffering on this plain of existence until you all decide there doesn't have to be. Take care of each other with your science, or with your religion or spirituality. Compassion for others, lifting all with the rising tide of understanding to a new and better world.

I understand but let me reiterate. Individuals living their own lives; pursuing their own dreams and goals separately are in fact working together to create a world where we are truly responsible for one another. Yet most are unaware. It takes the expansion of consciousness to realize that we are on the same path in different ways.  With what progress we make individually we help the whole to progress. 

Yes, science and spirituality with compassion toward the individual and the culture of the individual will do much to further spiritual and scientific gains. Good night Michael.  
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1 comment:

  1. Tag, once again, this post is most timely and beautiful! I guess it's a constant theme to try to incorporate our thinking (scientific) brain with that part that reaches for deeper understanding. Your 'small talk' here has really bridged that gap. Thank you.
