Sunday, January 31, 2010


I want to go back in time and revisit one of the small talks we had way back in 2001. I have the notes I took but would like a fresh perspective on the subject.  "Could you talk a little about your personality? Who is God?

I am that I am,  I am how the universe works. I express myself in the movement of the galaxies, and the beat of a moth's wing. I am the yin and the yang; I am  the Alpha and Omega. I AM. But my personality is impersonal. Meaning that whatever you, each of you, individually give is what you see reflected. Do you want a strict authoritarian father figure, then that is what you shall have, a laughing Buddha, Done. A compassionate Jesus or a spiteful Satan, you shall have either or both. But know, I am all there is, I encompass and enfold the opposites I am that I am, capice?

I think I get it. So then monotheism is correct?

If you wish it to be. So is pantheism, So is the trinity, as is atheism. I am impersonal. I do not care what is reflected back any more than the mirror does. That is not the same as saying I don't care about you. I care for each and every one of you and every part of my creation. I don't care what you think of me. I am what I am, as are you.

What are we then?

Co-creators of your individual universes.

Universes, sure I understand that we each experience a different universe because from our perspective we are the center of our creation; that our choices and the circumstances of our lives together with you and other co-creators determine the course of our lives. We are free to change our circumstances at any time provided those changes are within the limits established by our co-creation. Do I have this correct? 

Essentially yes, though there are some details, important details that you have overlooked.

Let's see what I remember. One of the conditions and maybe the most important one to my fellow humans is that "no on gets out alive". Death is a circumstance of living not to be escaped. We have some say so in the manner and time of our deaths, however even that is limited. Another condition is that we cannot at any time circumvent the laws of the universes. We might be able to change the rules in our personal universe but not without consequences. Could you take it from that point please?

Certainly and this is something we have spoken of on prior occasion. Since you co-create with others as well as myself, in order to effect great change you would need a great consensus of like minded individuals working together. Even then change is easier to accomplish by using the limits in place to your advantage. For example, it has been said that if god wanted people to fly they would have been born with airline tickets. Or wings, what have you. Instead you have used the abilities of the minds you have to use the "laws of physics" and aerodynamics to create flight on your own; in multiple fascinating variety.

Thank you, Abba. I going to stop here for now. There is some fascinating material. Good night!


  1. Tag - This is just great. For all the difficulty in trying to explain what God is, this offers something that is comfortable and do-able. It is what it is. Only in the impersonal can it become remarkably personal to each of us.

  2. this is synchronous (again!) with questions currently running through my brain.
    what exactly are the "laws of nature?" how do we distinguish between immutable laws and what we believe to be laws, due to our rather limited perceptions?
    oh boy, i could go on forever with this!

  3. GJ, Maybe in the reflection of infinity we see ourselves, looking out at eternity only to see ourselves then realizing maybe that's all there is to see. Ourselves.
    That sounds too egotistical.

    Standing, Maybe our perception of the limitations are the limitations. Maybe the world was flat until someone said maybe its not; then showed someone else.
