Saturday, January 23, 2010

Touching the Eternal

Something special happened here tonight, yet I'm at a loss to define what it was. I reference the conversation between Garlandless Judy and myself from my last posting. Lord I will put the question to you. WTF?

Judy reached out and touched the Eternal Impersonal I.  

I don't understand what that means. I mean Eternal I get and even Impersonal and I of course but put them all together as you did and I'm confused. What is the Eternal Impersonal I?

i am that I am. 

That's what Popeye says I y'am what I y'am.

Judy reached out and touched the universe. The universe touched back. I assure you it was a joyous occasion for all of creation. There is little more to say, her experience was unique to her. She brings her beliefs, values and expectations to this event. She will interpret it in her own fashion. yet you are right that the memory of the experience will be enough to enable her to reach out again in love and be met in kind. You have both accomplished a great deal tonight. You see, your influence begins to spread. Judy's will do the same, though not in the same manner.  Get some sleep now.

I will. Thank you so much for allowing me to participate.


  1. O Taggy Baby.... O Mister Online Clergy....It's still here...I'm still here. And I slept without a Xanax. I still feel like a child. A kid. And it's so deliciously simple. I've been talking, reading, skirting around the edges of it for years. But here it is. And like the Tao, I can't name it. It just is and it makes everything so simple, yet so much more alive. It even transfers over to something so weird and electronic like A COMPUTER!..I've been sort of floating around with various blogs, yours (both of them), mine, standing's, Badger's, Gabriela's and I can literally feel the intention, the spirit of each of them. I've even tested it out with the 'next blog' tab buttons and the feeling shifts. There are some I don't want to camp around in. It's not a judgmental thing, it's just a preference. Where I want to be. I'm bringing my sleeping bag over and my marshmellows. I'm camping here. I may have to prop up a proxy, a pillow or something because I'm going to a workshop today. So wish me luck. I'm hoping I can carry this with me. As that cute Gabriela says, LoveNlight.
    Judy - I love that picture. That's sort of how it is, especially the nakedness...giggle...

  2. Well, I will be damned. The light just came on for me. I've had a life-altering event. And I'm not cracking wise here. I suddenly GET it. Judy DID rach out and touch the universe. She touched me at some level with two words in Welsh on her blog. That wasn't her intent. That's not even what her post was about. It just happens. You and she were each reaching out and those you affected and all whom they affected. You can call it god, you can call it life. I call it the intersections of energy we have no control of. Connecting with others is the answer.

  3. I am at a total loss for words. Thank you both so much.

  4. NO, I thank YOU, Tag. You help my head and heart and soul find the way to places.

  5. I'm still here. It's still here. The workshop was tiring, but I just sat and held 'it' with a relaxed easy awareness. I love your list and your illustrations. 'It' shines through in all of them.
