Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hello Lord, I'm not sure how to ask this question that I believe I already know the answer to, but its important...Cancer, why cancer, Why death at all? This seems the cruelest possible death, involving suffering children, women and men, having families torn apart Why what's the point?

What is the point of laser guided rockets, that kill so as to minimize damage but leave suffering families behind. What is the point of war and lets get this clear war is your invention not mine. Cancer existed in nature long before man arrived on the scene. It found another useful host and moved in. Prior to the 20th century few people lived long enough to be victimized by cancer. people in your stage of development need death to move on to other realms and other possibilities, Death gives you the mechanism to move on. Cancer is fairly new as a killer other diseases brought you down in the past and this was to the good. But human ingenuity and science progressed to put many of the formerly deadly diseases out to pasture. Unfortunately allowing cancer to become among the top killers. You are winning the war againest death. In the not so distant future people will live twice thier allotted lifes spans. Mostly due to proper eating an eliminating the harmful substances you fill your body with now. cmon Twinkies, what were you thinking?  Cancer if used correctly gives families an oppotunity to reconnect with loved ones in a shared environment that doesn't have to be one of suffering. instead it could be a positive time an affirmation of love. That is what I would like. Instead I see your old ones pushed into homes and assited "living" communitys of people wating to die in a hoaspital surrounded by stranger and loved ones. Is there aany dignity to this. I created better and in your sympathetic zeal you haven't taken much stock in listening to your seniors. If you only kneew how much collected wisdom there is among your parents angrandeparents generations and yours as well who will be facing these conditions soon as you continue to age. What will your children do with you?
Why pain?

 Again I will say that much of the pain experienced is a result of trying to keep people alive past their time. if allowed to let go when they are ready such as in a hospice situation where pain management using natural sources of pain relief like opiates, marijuana, and even alcohol and mixtures of these ingredients such as laudanum and morphine ease the passage of the person into a new role beyond death. For example without interference by the medical profession you would likely be on the verge of dying by cancer, correct?

True the docs gave me 5 years as a ballpark figure.But a lot of that time eould be uncomfortable:  peeing, blood watching my body grow weaker as the cancer advanced finally facing death,

Which you will inevitably face anyway, In cancer and palliative care you have the abitliy to leave as you choose. surrounded by loved ones at home in a safe environment where family and friends can come to pay last respects. yes some pain is involved but no more than an individual can handle with the use of palliative care. So you see the suffering doesn't have to be terrible. but often your society forces suffering on people, once again those at the bottom of the money chain suffering most, Those with no place to go to die in peace other than a hospital or hospice tucked away from family and friends, find suffering.  I believe its inhuman, but part of humanity.

You also realize that you have brought this on yourself, you were warned of the dangers of tobacco at an early age and also the benefits of good nutrition and moderate use of wine, eschewing hard liquor to a great extent. Instead you have chosen to imbibe to unhealthy excess and to eat a diet rich in fat, oils sugar and lacking proper nutritional value, twenty five years of oreos and little debbie cupcakes is hardly a healthy environment for the body to thrive. Does this answer your question?

Very much so, Thank you for your time. My pleasure of course.

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