Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On purpose. A purposeless life

Hello Michael, Nice of you to come visit tonight. Is there anything in particular on your mind tonight or are we just “winging it”

I have a few things on my mind I got into a position that I knew I couldn’t win but wouldn’t back down from because of pride and anger. I said some things I regret saying and yet I started of the by saying I wouldn’t apologize. I learned not to not think. I also learned leave yourself a graceful exit just in case.

Well if you learned something then the ordeal was not totally wasted was it? Of course you know you left some hurt people behind people who were sympathetic to you, until you started name calling and insulted practically everyone.

Yes I know, I keep talking until its too late than I get angry with the other folks involved instead of just letting it set. Thank you for listening You know I was paying a therapist $75 an hour to listen.

I’m keeping score. You’re ringing up quite a bill you know. But I collect in different ways.

Can we broaden the scope for awhile ? I have a more serious question…I’d like to talk a little about purpose. What is my purpose here at this time? Is there deeper meaning to the events that enfold us or is this just random chance that plays out in our lives either for good or ill.; fortune or misfortune.?

Meaning is a human construct, or better still a construct innate to consciousness. Consciousness uses rationality to create meaning which helps make sense of a random world. Also randomness is often a matter of perspective. What appears random at one level is harmonious at another level of reality. You humans take the random and make meaning. This allows you to maintain some sense of control over events you have little control over. Random events occur constantly in your life. Traffic, weather , emotions, etc. But carrying an umbrella is wise if it looks like rain. Random events are sometimes called acts of god or acts of nature. But you as a former weather forecaster know how what appears random at one level, to those not educated in this science as you were, has an internal consistency that is quite apparent to the well trained. At one time you compared predicting the future to predicting weather in that the more information you had the better your forecast will be. Unfortunately for those in your former profession, you cannot know all the facts to aid your ability .You have also made the comparison of forecasting to art. How you pull a forecast out of a load of extraneous information than has no recognizable pattern.

What is your purpose here at this time? Why of course whatever you make of it. If you see deeper meaning in the events of your life than so be it. There is no time table here for you to accomplish specific goals of my choosing, other than those goals you have set for your selves. Your purpose is your purpose. Whatever that purpose may be it fits quite conveniently into my purpose.


  1. what is this crap, just because you think your talking to God don't mean you are. jesus said I'm am the light and the way. never said nothin about you.

  2. I'm not sure what purpose the above comment serves.

  3. The "unknown" comment to the left was from me. It didn't seem to record, so I thought I'd try the "Post a Comment" directly under the comment section. In the meantime, I had come up with what I thought was a more clever comment. Now, reading my original comment, that seems more clever.

    Writing is torture.

  4. Does it have to be? An old commsnding Officer of mine said frquently "if you're not having fun you're not doing it right" That whay I stopped working on my own cars.
