Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Charter for Compassion

Can we do it Lord, can the billions of people alive on this planet put aside their differnces for awhile as the Charter for Compassion is read followed by a week of multi cultural activities around the world..

Sincerity is the key to keeping the inertia in your favor. Once things start to move snowball like, gathering mass and speed, they become difficult to stop. But the initial push needs dedication, in this case from those self same billions Some carrying hatred in their hearts.

You all should take this inter-faith multicultural event to heart to learn from and live.. Why go backwards to hatred and intolerance, when compassion can indeed save the world and make it a better place for all species, not just human. Reach out a hand in this coming month to show you care. Encourage others to do the same regardless of religious beliefs. This movement is beyond artificial boundaries. It instead emphasizes your belief in justice. It will demonstrates your moral stance if you will allow it.

This an opportunity for each of you to to use your ability to spread the word and to live the words "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.. I look forward to your paticipation and would like you to be a bit more proactive in spreading this word.

The unveiling of the Charter on November 12, 2009 will kick off a week of events around the world.. The Golden Rule requires that we use empathy -- moral imagination -- to put ourselves in others' shoes. We should act toward them as we would want them to act toward us. We should refuse, under any circumstance, to carry out actions which would cause them harm.

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