Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Guidance - Deep in my heart, I know that, truly, all is well.

Good Evening Father, let me take a few minutes to gather myself. I'm all over the map tonight. Stories of sailing, surfing and fishing, Jimmy Buffett plaiying in my head. It has been a very good day and I thank you.

Good Evening Michael, I see that our topic from the Daily Word is guidance. You posted earlier to a friend in need to experience God with and within. I would say that is guidance. Trust in how the universe works. All will be truly well. Perhaps not at each moment from your individual perspectives but in the Universe all is well. Remain in this moment, it truly is all you have, you can't hold on to them one by one except in memory. You can reach forward to the next moment, in due course it will arrive.

Yes, I worry about my friends in depression even more than my friends dealing with bladder cancer. Depression gives the impression that you are all alone in your misery. By reaching out, to let others know they are not alone is the most benficial therapy. What is your take on guidance?

It has been said that when one door is closed another will open. That is the way of the universe, opportunity abounds in each of your lives. sometimes this requires one to think outside the box. To look for the opportunity in the unexpected place. Follow that guidance trusting that all is well. Use your tools, prayers, journals  and meditations to shift the odds a bit in your favor. Look for the still, small voice calling from ahead. "come look over here, see what I have to show you" you will find the unexpected. Expect that.

Thank you Father for your guidance tonight.

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