Friday, October 2, 2009

Mindfulness and prayer

As I turn my thoughts to God, my life becomes a prayer.

Good morning Lord, this is an interesting topic for me. I had read years ago of mindfulness of the divine presence all around me and even within me. For a good while I was able to put this into action and my work became fun, No, joyful would be a better way to put it. I was able to do this while working but had greater trouble applying it at home. As if I dropped my conscious connection to you the moment I through walked the door.
I like the idea of life becoming a prayer, When I was in that state of mind everythng seemed clearer, I had greater understanding, I learned easier. I lived life without fear and anger, but was unable to sustain it during times of stress. I would like to hear your comments.
 Good Morning to you Michael. I will restate an earlier lesson, that prayer can be causal in that consiousness has an affect on how the universe works by its effect on randomness at the subatomic level. I won't repeat that lecture here and now.

 As you are able to quiet your thoughts in mindful meditation as go you about today's business, you may hear the small still voice, or see and otherwise sense my presence in the events of the day. As you eat your meals, become mindful of the food and where it came from, remembering that I am also present along the pathway of the food as it came to your table. As you do your chores, give a little bit extra, put a bit of love in each task, knowing that your love will be reflected by your family and friends. As you take care of todays business be mindful of my presence in each individual with whom you encounter. Greet them with the love within you. You will see it reflected back to you. Pray that events of the day go smoothly but be mindful that events also have an inherent randomness. Maintain the attitude of gratitude. All of life is communication between us, and between each other. This is prayer; mindful communication. Have I said enough?
I believe so. I know what it feel like and can reach toward you in spirit. That I  know Ican do this consciously until it becomes habit. Praying is good. For me keeping a journal was good,  as was taking a chance in beginning a dialogue with you.. These things have let me prolong the  mindulness of your presence. Still not perfect but I sense you reaching toward me as I reach toward you and one day we will be one.
 Michael we are already one. No duality exists in spirit. Spirit is as much a part of your being  as is your body and your mind.The Spirit of how the universe works encompasses as much within you as it does the physical universe you are at one with.    
I would like to explore that last statement some more with you. But not at this time. Communion is hard work.
It doesn't have to be. I believe the actual chore of typing for both you and I is the hard part. Good Day Michael. We will revisit this topic again.

Thank you Father for this communion.

This is your right as a citizen of the universe.

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